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Contents 1953-1969 |
An issue-by-issue listing of important articles, interviews, and features in one of the two most important weekly British musical trade papers of the 1950s and 1960s. |
Members of MU345, Junior Seminar on "The Development of Early British Rock and Pop" (Spring 1999) and MU220 "1960s British Pop and Rock" (1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006) compiled parts of this table of contents as class projects. I have included student names (when appropriate) and recognize the work and the diligence that they have devoted to developing these materials. We gain an enhanced understanding of this cultural milieu not only by listening to the music, but also by reading the reviews and interviews that made up the bulk of the writing in these issues, as well as by scanning the advertising. |
The contents of New Musical Express serve as general indicators of the topics important to readers during one of the most important periods of Western popular music. You may also wish to compare what authors were discussing in these issues with other relevant events of the time by exploring a Chronology of 1960s British Rock and Pop. |
I have erred on the side of access here, including submissions that contain spelling mistakes and irregular formats in order to make these tables available to scholars working on these subjects. These were time-consuming projects and students did their best to turn in what they could. I have been editing and expanding these entries, but the process is slow. |
This site is in no way officially connected to New Musical Express which continues to function as the most important musical trade paper in Britain. |
For other materials related to NME, try http://www.rocklist.net/nmeindex.html. For a great week-by-week account of the NME's charts in the sixites, try http://iwasateenagechartfreak.com. |
Warning: Contents are incomplete, but we're working on them. |
: We are unable to provide copies of articles. We offer this table of contents as a window on the subjects discussed in the pages of the New Musical Express. You can, however, obtain copies of many of these articles (and others) from the folks at "Rock's Backpages." |
Thompson <gthompso@skidmore.edu>
of Music
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York 12831
12 February, 2008