New Musical Express | March 1955

  4 March 1955  
Atwell, Winifred Australian Adventures [Pianist and TV star tells about her Australian tour] 3
n.a. U.S. Star Invasion: More Big Names [Phil Harris, Mario Lanza, Gordon McRae, Martin & Lewis, Doris Day, & Judy Garland also to play the Palladium] 6
n.a. Bill Cotton Jr. Leads Band as Father has Further Breakdown [Cotton Jr. is not giving up publishing, Cotton Sr. is on holiday in south of France] 6-7
n.a. Ted Heath Regrets, but He Cannot Accept the Woody Herman Baton-Exchange Proposition [Comments from Heath- unfair to both sides] 6-7
Morton, Rex Tennessee Ernie Rides Again! [Singer returns to Britain, includes short bio 8
Sonin, Ray BBC Tribute to Dance Music [6000 fans attend three concerts of Festival of Dance Music] 9
Wedge, Pip But the Broadcast Wasn't So Hot [Terrible sound balance made for bad concert promotion] 9
Butcher, Mike Mitchell Band's Great Send-Off [Reviews Malcolm Mitchell and his Orchestra's debut performance] 10
Butcher, Mike Weir Big Band's London Debut [Reviews Frank Weir's new dance music group performance at the Orchid Ballroom] 10
  11 March 1955  
n.a. Question-Time with the Stars [Readers' queries answered by Dickie Valentine] 3
Wedge, Don "Meet Mr. Ray" is an Invitation Well Worth Accepting! [Reviews Ray Ellington's performance at Hackney Empire] 3
Mells, J. Danny Purches Scores in Variety [Reviews Purches- singer with no gimmick] 4
Wedge, Pip At Last! A Good British Musical Film [Reviews "As Long As They're Happy"] 5
n.a. Stars for Royalty [Popular music represented at Royal variety show] 6-7
n.a. Heath Plane Delayed [Band may not reach Australia in time for first show] 7
n.a. Meet the Stars at the Great NME Concert on March 20! [Farewell concert to Ronnie Scott at Robert Hall, bios on Scott, Tommy Whittle, Tony Kinsey] 8
Weedon, Bert New Ivor Mairants Guitar Album [Reviews new Latin-American music] 9
Kinn, Maurice Miami Merry-Go-Round [NME Managing Director talks about his impressions of show business in the U.S. 10
Wedge, Pip Bing Stakes His Claim for an "Oscar" [Reviews "The Country Girl," Crosby for Best Actor] 10
  18 March 1955  
Cornell, Don Hello, Britain! [American singer Cornell talks about trip to Britain, hits, includes bio] 3
n.a. Loss and Parnell Bands Score at Second BBC Festival Concert [Reviews individual performers at Festival of Dance Music concert 3
n.a. Dankworth, Mitchell, Weir, Randall for Big New Band Film [To come: "Eric Winstone Band" film and "Parade of Bands"] 6
n.a. Sudden Death of Charlie Parker is Irreparable Loss to Modern Music [Details benefit concert, and British bandleaders pay tribute to Parker 7
Green, Benny Who's Mad? [Baritone-saxophone player for Ronnie Scott Orchestra discusses the eccentricities of genius 8
Butcher, Mike The Life-Story of Fabulous Charlie Parker [obituary for alto-saxophone player Parker] 9
n.a. Malcolm Prepares to Conquer! [Malcolm Mitchell Orchestra to make its London debut at Royal Albert Hall] 10
  23 March 1955  
Watson, Jimmy Arrived: Don Cornell Scores a Triumph on His British Debut at Glasgow [Reviews singer Cornell, comedy and punch] 3
n.a. Arriving: Eddie Fisher has a Hit Record to Welcome Him Here ["Wedding Bells" places on best-selling records chart in NME] 3
n.a. Due: The Four Aces Will Fly Direct to Glasgow [Bio of American band, trip to Britain] 3
n.a. Sensational Music Projects for Commercial TV [Eve Boswell, Geraldo, Lou Preager, and Sidney Torch rumored in connection with music programmes on TV] 6
n.a. Frankie Laine British Tour Bombshell: Film Contracts Prevent Him Coming This Year [Comments and interview about future plans] 7
n.a. BBC Launching Big TV Record Programme [Series of 8 programmes to be aired about popular music industry, called "Off the Record"] 7
Green, Benny "Little Giant" [Forthcoming new band for saxophone player Tubby Hayes] 8
Wedge, Don Ronnie Hilton Faces His First Variety Audience [reviews show at Dudley Hippodrome] 9
Wedge, Pip TV and the Bands [Ronnie Waldman, head of TV's light entertainment talks to NME] 10
Marshall, Jack Stars Sparkle for the Songwriters [Reviews "Our Friends the Stars" concert given by the Songwriters' Guild] 12
  amartura on Friday, March 5, 1999 at 18:10:24
  grtedit 21-Sep-2015