New Musical Express | August 1964

No. 917 7 August 1964  
(Cover Page) Pictured: Billy Fury
Advertising his disc, "Its Only Make Believe" from Decca
Advertisement All Top Ten Tunes on one Disc for only 10£
"A Hard Day's Night"
"I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself
"You're No Good"
"Hold Me"
"House on the Rising Sun"
"Someone Someone"
"It's All Over Now"
"On the Beach"
"I Won't Forget You"
"Kissin Cousins"
Derek Johnson Billy Fury Will Film with His Horse 3
NME Ringo Gets the Big Laugh (Pictured: Ringo on the left and John Lennan with George Harrison on the right) ["A Hard Day's Night" has experienced much success over the last week and is expected to continue with such success in upcoming weeks.] 3
Advertisement Philips New Cartridge Loading Pocket Tape Recorder 3
NME Life Lines of the Barron Knights [Pictured: Barron, Peter, Duke, Butch, and Dave] 4
N.A. Swingin' OK [United Artists' radio pop show, "Swinging U.K. " is available on TV] 4
Derek Johnson Time with Billy J. Kramer [Billy J. Kramer speaks about touring, women, and radio and TV appearances] 5
Net Hentoff American Airmail [hits and concerts in America ] 5
Derek Johnson Singles Review:
Elvis Presley: "Such a Night" (RCA)
Dave Clark Five: "Thinking of You Baby" / "Whenever Your Around" (Columbia)
Tornados: "Exodus" / "Blackpool Rock" (Decca)
Seventh Dawn:
Roger Miller: "Dang Me" (Philips)
Johnny Duncan: "Dang Me" (Columbia)
Dean Martin: "Everybody Loves Somebody" / "A Little Voice"
Sammy Davis: "Not for Me" (Reprise)
Lesley Gorse: "A Don't Wanna Be a Loser" / "It's Gotta Be You" (Mercury)
Overlanders: "Don't it Make You Feel Good" (Pye)
Simon Scott: "Move It Baby" / "What Kind of Woman"
Stevie Wonder: "Hey Harmonica Man" (Stateside)
John Lee Hooker: "Dimples" / "High Priced Woman" (Pye)
Kenny Lynch: "What Am I to You" / "That's What Little Girls Are Made For" (HMV)
Advertisement Johnny Milton & the Condors: "Cry Baby" 6
Advertisement New Singles from EMI:
The George Martin Orchestra: "Ringo's Theme (This boy)" and "I Love Her" (Parlophone)
Kenny Lynch: "What Am I to You" (HMV)
Cilla Black: "It's for You" (Parlophone)
P.J. Proby: "Try to Forget Her" (Liberty)
The Dave Clark Five: "Thinking of You Baby" (Columbia)
Herman's Hermits: "I'm into Something Good" (Columbia)
NME Top Thirty
1. Beatles: "A Hard Day's Night" (Parlophone)
2. Manfred Mann, "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" (HMV)
3. Rolling Stones, "It's All Over Now" (Decca)
4. Dusty Springfield: "I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself" (Philips)
5. Barron Knights: "Call Up the Groups" (Columbia)
NME Top Twenty Best Selling Pop Records in U.S.
1. Beatles: "Hard Day's Night"
2. Dean Martin: "Everybody Loves Somebody"
3. Supremes: Where Did Our Love Go"
4. Jan and Dean: "The Little Old Lady"
5. Four Seasons: "Rag Doll"
NME Top Ten Selling LP's in Britain
1. Beatles: A Hard Day's Night (Parlophone)
2. Rolling Stones: The Rolling Stones (Decca)
3. Cliff Richard: Wonderful Life (Columbia)
4. Bachelors: The Bachelors Plus 16 Great Songs (Decca)
5. Dusty Springfield: A Girl Called Dusty (Decca)
Advertisement New: On Sale Today
The Bachelors: "I Wouldn't Trade You For the World" (Decca)
Gigiola Cinquetti: "Non e Niente Lasciami Stare" (Decca)
The Tornados: "Exodus" (Decca)
Alan Dean & His Problems: "The Time it Takes" (Decca)
NME After Plane Tragedy... Reeves Single and 4 Albums [Jim Reeves leaves 4 albums awaiting release after his tragic death last Friday]
Mickie Most Bids for Chart Treble [Most, who produces record for the 'Nashville Teens' and 'Animals', tries his luck a third time through his latest independent production with 'Herman's Hermits']
Kramer Holiday in Honolulu [Billy J. Kramer will be spending the week in Honolulu, HI to celebrate his 21st birthday with two of the Dakotas, Robin MacDonald and Mick Green]
Gerry and Billy J. to Tour America [Gerry and The Pacemakers with Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas will be touring the U.S. together this autumn]
Venues for Cliff's Tour with Shadows [Many of the venues for Cliff Richard's five week autumn tour starting October 6th have been set while few await confirmation]
Brian Poole's Latest Single [Brian Poole and the Tremeloes' new disc "12 Steps to Heaven" is expected to be released by Decca this Friday]
Haley's Radio Bow on 'Gear" [Bill Haley and his Comets make their first British broadcast on the Light Programme's Thursday night pop-series "Top Gear"]
180,000 Advance for Stones EP [Advanced orders for the Rolling Stones' "Five by Five" EP had reached 180,000 on Wednesday and may well total a quarter of a million by next Friday]
Dakotas on TV Tonight [Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas are schedules to appear on Rediffuston's "Ready, Steady, Go!" tonight]
Pennies for Scotland [The Four Pennies begin a six-day Scottish visit next Monday]
Allison Returns [Bobby Allison who had a #1 hit in 1961 as a member of the Allisons with "Are You Sure" - returns to the recording scene this week as a soloist with "Change Your Mind," and "You've Got Everything"]
Kramer v. Pitney [Billy J. Kramer take on Gene Pitney in Radio Luxembourg's "Battle of the Giants" on August 17 and 21]
Blue Aces in Film [Irish show band, the Blue Aces, will appear in "Barney's Beat," a 30 minute film.]
Beach Boys Sought [The Beach Boys made their debut in the NME top ten this week with "I Get Around" are sought to play in Britain soon.]
Millie Martin on TV [Millicent Martin guest stars on "Lance at Large" on September 17]
Tony Jackson in Hospital [Ex-Searcher Tony Jackson entered the hospital last week for plastic surgery to straighten his nose]
Manfred Mann on 'Saturday Swings' [Manfred Mann along with the Migil Five, the Applejacks, and Mark Wynter head a strong bill for the Light Programme's "Saturday Wings"]
Mann Replaces Brian Poole in 'Beat Room' [Manfred Mann replaces Brian Poole and the Tremeloes in "The Beat Room" next Monday]
Pennies on Loss Show [The Four Pennies debut on the Light Programme's "Joe Loss Pop Show" on Friday, August 24]
Pictured: Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones
  Drake's Blackpool Show Ending — Freddie Booked [Dave King has replaced Charlie Drake after Drake sustained an on stage injury ending his Blackpool Queen's show prematurely. Freddie and the Dreamers have been booked through August]
Jacobs Comedy Sketch [David Jacobs and Pater Murray make their debuts on the "Blackpool Night Out" on Sunday, August 30]
Connie's Wedding [Connie Francis and her fiancé, publicist Dick Kanelli, will marry at the home of Connie's parent in New Jersey, the week of August 16]
Mike Smith Injured [Mike Smith of the Dave Clark Five injured his shoulder last week after jostling with a crowd of fans]
More Radio Pop [BBC Light Programme extended hours begin on August 31]
Beatle John Moves into His Mansion [John Lennon is spending his time this week moving his belongings from his flat in Earls Court to his newly purchase mansion in Surrey]
Proby Setting up Own Show [Proby reports he is setting up his own package shows to play the biggest theaters in England this Autumn]
Jeans Pen Own Disc [The Swinging Blue Jeans have written their own disc "Promise You'll Tell Her" which HMV plans to release next Friday (14th)]
Brenda Lee and Bill Haley in Top TV Pop Shows [Brenda Lee and Bill Haley are set for heavy schedules of radio and TV dates before their tour opens on September 20]
Barron Knights on Easy Beat [The Barron Knights with Duke D'mond debut on the Light Programme's "Easy Beat" on Sunday, September 13]
Manfreds May Join Merseybeats Tour [Manfred Mann and the Merseybeats are almost certain to tour together next month with the opening performance at the Suuderland Empire on September 13]
Oldham's Denial [Rolling Stones co-manager Andrew Oldham has denied a Sunday newspaper that he is giving up his interest in the group]
Hyland Visit Off [Planned visits this fall for Brian Hyland, Marvin Gaye, and Larry Williams have all been called off]
Haley in Kaye Show [Hayley and John Mills scheduled to appear on the "Danny Kaye Show" August 24th]
Lord Bath's Pop Shows Continue [Lord Bath expected to hold another pop show at his home in Warminster, Wilshire despite police attempts to dissuade him — Bath has booked the Hollies to play at his home]
Barretts Musical [A new British musical based on "The Barretts of Wimpole Street" to play at Leeds Grand and Manchester Opera]
Migil on TV Tomorrow [The Migil 5 have been rebooked to star on BBC-1's "Club Night" again]
Honeycombs 'Gogo' [Honeycombs set to debut on TWW-TV's "Discs A Gogo" next Monday (10th)]
EMI New from EMI
Peter Harvey: "Big Man in a Big House" (Columbia)
The Naturals: "I Should Have Known Better" (Parlophone)
Patty and the Emblems: "Mixed-Up, Shook-Up, Girl" (Stateside)
Danny Williams: "The Seventh Dawn" (HMV)
Derek Johnson More Singles (Pictured: The Bachelors)
The Bachelors: "I Wouldn't Trade You for the World" / "Beneath the Willow Tree" (Decca)
Bobby Shafto: "Love, Love, Love" / "I Don't Love You Anymore" (Parlophone)
Gigiloia Cinquetti: "Non E Niente, Lasciami Stare" / "Il Primo Bocio Che Daro" (Decca)
Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde: "A Summer Song" / "Yesterday's Gone" (United Artist)
P.J. Proby: "Try to Forget Her" / "There Stands the One" (Liberty)
NME Best Selling Sheet Music in Britain
1. "A Hard Day's Night" (Northern Songs)
2. "It's All Over Now" (Kags)
3. "House of the Rising Sun" (Keith Prowse)
4. "I Won't Forget You" (Palace)
5. "Hello Dolly" (Chappell)
Richard Green Proby Goes to Market: Little Things that Once Meant a lot Make Him Sad [A series of 6 photographs of P.J. Proby at the marketplace. Proby talks with Green about how seeing jewels and other products in the marketplace that may have once meant a lot to someone upsets him.] 11
Advertisement A-JA-X Drums [Featuring: Bobby Orr and Andy White] 11
Andy Gray and Derek Johnson Tragedy of Jim Reeves: Ambition to tour Britain Dies with Him [Jim Reeves will never be able to achieve his dearest ambition of performing in front of his British fans. Reeves died piloting his own private plane last Friday] 12
Richard Green Searching a Searcher — No. 4: Mike Pender — With Stringless Guitar [Mike Pender talks about growing up in London with ambitions of being a part of the musical industry] 12
N.A. Radio Luxembourg 12
  A Honey of a Drummer [Comparing Honey Lantree of the Honeycombs with drummers such as Ringo Starr and Dave Clark.] 13
Richard Green Italian and Frillies for Merseybeats [The Merseybeats struggle to learn and Italian song for their upcoming tour in Italy ] 13
Mike Hugg Manfred Mann Top Ten 13
  From The NME 5 Years Ago: Top Ten 1959
1. Cliff Richards: "Living Doll" (Columbia)
2. Bobby Darin: "Dream Lover" (Lodon)
3. Lonnie Donnegan: "Battle of New Orleans" (Pye)
4. Elvis Presley: "Big Hunk O' Love" (RCA)
5. Marty Wilde: "A Teenager in Love" (Philips)
  From the NME 10 Years Ago: Top Ten 1954
1. David Whitfield: "Cara Mia" (Decca)
2. Frank Sinatra: "Three Coins in the Fountain" (Capitol)
3. Kitty Kallen: "Little Things Mean a Lot" (Brunswick)
4. Al Martino: "Wanted" (Capitol)
5. Perry Como: "Idle Gossip" (HMV)
Ian Dove They All Praise Dionne! [Pictured: Dionne Warwick with the Manfred Mann group. An article praising Dionne Warwick, which includes comments from the Drifters and Cilla Black.] 14
  From You to Us: Letters from the Readers 14
  Classified Ads 15
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces [Pictured: The Searchers with Dusty Springfield] 16
George Tremlett Searchers' Shock [The Searchers were shocked when fans cried for ex-Searcher, Tony Jackson, when the band took the stage at Coventry theater on Monday] 16
  Christopher Webb, Spring 2010  
No. 918 14 August 1964  
(cover page) The Swinging Blue Jeans/Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde/Tony Rivers and the Castaways 1
Green, Richard Man to Mann [Mike Vickers] 2
Johnson, Derek With 'It's for You'..., Paul and John really got behind Cilla [On the making of Cilla Black's hit "It's for You"] 2
N.A. From You to Us [Reader letters to the magazine] 2
N.A. From the NME 5 years ago [top ten for the week ending August 14, 1959] 2
N.A. From the NME 10 years ago [top ten for the week ending August 13, 1954] 2
Hutchins, Chris I'll be living with the Beatles again on their coast-to-coast American tour [On life with the Beatles on the road; includes their full North American itinerary] 3
Green, Richard The Animals haven't altered a bit [On the Animals after getting to #1] 3
Johnson, Derek Potted Pops:
Bobby Bland, "Ain't Nothing You Can Do" / "Honey Child" (Vocalion)
Alan Dean & the Problems, "The Time It Takes" / "Dizzy Heights" (Decca)
Top Six No. 7, "A Hard Day's Night" / "On The Beach" / "Hold Me" / "Someday We're Gonna Love Again" / "I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself" / "It's All Over Now"
Peter's Faces, "Try a Little Love My Friend" / "I Don't Care" (Picadilly)
Kris Jensen, "Come Back to Me" / "You've Only Got Me to Lose" (Hickory)
Tony Rivers and the Castaways, "Life's Too Short" / "Tell On Me" (Columbia)
Hank Williams Jr., "Guess What, That's Right, She's Gone" / "Going Steady With The Blues" (MGM)
Nola York, "I Don't Understand" / "Here I Stand" (HMV)
Kenny Rankin, "Where Did My Little Girl Go?" / "U.S. Mail" (CBS)
Joey & The Gentlemen, "Dummy, Dum Song" / "Goodbye Little Girl" (Fontana)
Johnson, Derek Singles:
Brian Poole and the Tremeloes, "Twelve Steps to Love" / "Don't Cry" (Decca)
The Swinging Blue Jeans, "Promise You'll Tell Her" / "It's So Right" (HMV)
Helen Shapiro, "Shop Around" / "He Knows How to Love Me" (Columbia)
Chuck Berry, "You Never Can Tell" / "Brenda Lee" (Pye-International)
The Miracles, "I Like It Like That" / "You're So Fine and Sweet" (Stateside)
Jack Jones, "The First Night of the Full Moon" / "Far Away" (London)
Solomon Burke, "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love" / "Looking for My Baby" (Atlantic)
Pat Boone, "Never Put It in Writing" / "I Like What You Do" (Pye-International)
Johnny Milton, "Cry Baby" / "Hurt" (Fontana)
One and One, "I'll Give You Lovin'" / "It's Me" (Decca)
Ray Singer, "It's Gotta Be" / "Hey, Who?" (Ember)
Pattie LaBelle and the Bluebelles, "Down the Aisle" / "C'Est La Vie" (Sue)
Baby Washington, "Who's Going to Take Care of Me?" / "I Can't Wait until I See My Baby" (Sue)
The Rainchecks, "Something about You" / "You're My Angel" (Solar)
Bobby Allison, "Change Your Mind" / "You've Got Everything" (Solar)
Eydie Gorme, "I Want You to Meet My Baby" / "Can't Get Over" (CBS)
Shirley Bassey, "What Kind of Fool Am I?" / "To Be Loved by a Man" (Columbia)
Tony Dalli, "What Kind of Fool Am I" / "One by One the Roses Died" (Decca)
A.E. EP of the Week:
Rolling Stones, Five by Five (Decca)
NME Top Thirty
1. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy," Manfred Mann (HMV)
2. "A Hard Day's Night," Beatles (Parlophone)
3. "It's All Over Now," Rolling Stones (Decca)
4. "Call Up the Groups," Barron Knights (Columbia)
5. "I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself," Dusty Springfield (Phillips)
N.A. Bachelors' U.S. Trip [U.S. Tour Announcement]
Frankie Vaughan batting for NME [Announcing Frankie Vaughan, Tommy Steele, and Peter Murray show]
New Disc Signings: Now Most Records Group from Leeds [The Cherokees, Alan David, Zoot, (George) Money, The Fenmen, The Dalys, Peter Jay and the Jaywalkers, Judith Coster as Tammy St. John, Joe Cocker]
Early Jim Reeves Discs from RCA?
Nashville Teens on 'Beat Room' [Nashville Teens added to BBC program]
More Live Shows for 'Steady Go' ["Ready, Steady, Go!" will feature more live performances as opposed to miming to recordings]
Little Richard Dates [Tour dates]
Discs from Animals, Teens, and Shadows
Frank Ifield Opens Palladium Series
Stones for Xmas Show? [Rolling Stones may play Christmas show at London theater]
Hooker Tour in October [John Lee Hooker British tour announcement]
Brian Poole may tour Argentine [Expected to become the first British group to tour there]
Animals on 'Easy' [The Animals return to "Easy Beat" program]
Sinatra film release ["Robin and the Seven Hoods"]
Freddie's run [Freddie and the Dreamers and Susan Maughan show will not end prematurely]
Iron Curtain Country Shows Beatles Film ["A Hard Day's Night" is set to be screened in Prague, Czechoslovakia]
Shirley Bassey's 'Goldfinger' disc [Bassey's next record will feature title song from the James Bond film]
N.A. Honeycombs Join Lulu-Millie Tour
Proby Says He Will Quit U.K. [P.J. Proby plans to leave Britain due to legal battles between his former and current recording companies, Liberty Records and Decca]
Charles TV Concert [Ray Charles]
Knights pledge their troth [Two of the Barron Knights are to be married]
N.A. Granada TV Showcase for Brenda [Brenda Lee]
Animals to Tour America
Rustiks Join Beatles Tour [Also joining Gerry and the Pacemaker's Yuletide show]
Trini for London [Trini Lopez visits London]
Bachelors 'Club Night' [The Bachelors star in BBC's "Club Night"]
Cliff, Shads Charity Show Televised? [Cliff Richard, the Shadows, the Bachelors, the Dave Clark Five, and Susan Maughan to appear in all-star concert]
The Kinks added to Gerry's tour [Gerry and the Pacemakers and Gene Pitney tour]
Tony Jackson on Freddie's Show [Freddie and the Dreamers]
Cowboy Elvis [Elvis Presley to play a cowboy in his next film, "Tickle Me"]
Mann Judges 'Win' [Manfred Mann, Helen Shapiro, and d-j Alan Freeman set to be judges for "Ready, Steady, Win"]
U.S. releases [rush-releases of Manfred Mann's "Do Wah Diddy Diddy", the Kinks' "You Really Got Me, and an Animals album]
Pacemakers On 'Club Night' [Gerry and the Pacemakers to appear on BBC's "Club Night", "Top Of The Pops", "Ready, Steady, Go!", and "Top Gear"]
Peter and Gordon to tour Ireland
All-star matinee [The Bachelors, Frank Ifield, Kathy Kirby, Joe Brown, the Tornados and Clinton Ford]
Faith's album [Adam Faith]
Cilla Black And Billy Fury 'Gear' [Black and Fury to appear on "Top Gear"]
Poole 'Swings' [Brian Poole and the Tremeloes headline "Saturday Swings"]
Lesley for Britain [Lesley Gore to visit Britain]
Johnson, Derek ?-?-Time with Dave Clark — a year later! [Interview with Dave Clark] 8
Tremlett, George First week as a Searcher [Frank Allen in his first week with the Searchers] 8
Green, Richard Never A Dull Moment With The Stones! says NME writer Richard Green who went on a hectic double-date with them 9
Gillard, David Newcomers to the Charts:
Double break [Julie Rogers]
Do-It-Themselves Group! [The Kinks]
Hentoff, Nat American Airmail: The only step — by Millie [Updates on American entertainment news] 9
Hentoff, Nat NMExclusive picture and interview with the ace music man Burt Bacharach 10
Dove, Ian Al Rejoins Beach Boys [Al Jardine] 10
The Alley Cat Tail-Pieces 12
N.A. What Cilla Thinks about Good Looks [Cilla Black] 12
N.A. Millie in U.S.A. [Photo with caption] 12
NME Best Selling Sheet Music in Britain
1. "A Hard Day's Night" (Northern Songs)
2. "It's All Over Now" (Kags)
3. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" (West One)
4. "House Of The Rising Sun" (Keith Prowse)
5. "I Won't Forget You" (Palace)
Evans, Allen LPs:
Jim Reeves, God Be with You (RCA Victor)
(No Artist Credits Given), Top Ten Tunes (Jacob Ltd.)
The Peanuts, Peanuts Hit Parade (London)
Si Zentner and Martin Denny, Exotica Suite (Liberty)
  James Welsh, Spring 2010  
No. 919 21 August 1964  
Cover Page Advertisement [Wayne Gibson with the Dynamic Sounds ("Kelly") and the Rockin' Berries ("I Didn't Mean to Hurt You") on R.S.G. 21st Aug.] 1
Richard Green Man to Mann: No. 2 of series [Band member, Tom McGuinness, of the Yardbirds talks about his start in the music business and how he got to where he is today.] 2
Ian Dove Peter and Gordon talk about...Stars We Met in U.S. [Talks about experience in America and meeting the stars such as Little Richard, the Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, etc.] 2
Chris Hutchins Living with the Beatles: We Couldn't Get into Beatlesville! [Hutchins discusses what it is like to travel with the Beatles as they move from one location to another to perform.] 3
N/A Star Quote [Hollywood Star George Chakiris says he dislikes copy-groups of the Beatles and that if the Beatles were to break up, Paul McCartney would go solo.] 3
N/A The Colonel Sends a Cable [Brian Epstein received a telegram from Col. Tom Parker, Elvis Presley's manager, welcoming and wishing the Beatles a great and successful U.S. tour.] 3
Derek Johnson Migils' blue beat has much melody: Single Reviews
Migil Five: "Boys and Girls" / "I Saw Your Picture" (Pye)
Gene Pitney: "It Hurts to Be in Love" / "Hawaii" (United Artists)
Mojos: "Seven Golden Daffodils" / "Nothin' at All" (Decca)
Cherokees: "Seven Golden Daffodils" / "Are You Back in My World Now" (Columbia)
Louis Armstrong: "I Still Get Jealous" / "Someday" (London)
Doris Day: "Oowee Baby" / "Move Over Darling" (CBS)
Jackie De Shannon: "Hold Your Head High" / "Dancing Silhouettes" (Liberty)
Rockin' Berries: "I Didn't Mean to Hurt You" / "You'd Better Come Home" (Piccadilly)
Russ Sainty: "Lonesome Town" / "That's How I'm Gonna Love You" (Parlophone)
Hermits: "I'm into Something Good" / "Your Hand in Mine" (Columbia)
Lady Lee: "I'm into Something Good" / "When Love Comes Along" (Decca)
Marvin Gaye: "Try It Baby" / "If My Heart Could Sing" (Stateside)
Billie Davis: "Whatcha Gonna Do" / "Everybody Knows" (Columbia)
Duffy Power: "Where Am I" / "I Don't Care" (Parlophone)
The Four Seasons: "Rag Doll" / "Silence Is Golden" (Phillips)
The Fenmen: "Rag Doll" / "Be My Girl" (Decca)
Sammy King: "Rag Doll" / "We're Through" (HMV)
Derek Johnson Potted Pops
Alan David: "I Want So Much to know You" / "I Can't Go Wrong" (Decca)
Ginny Arnell: "I Wish I Knew What Dress to Wear" / "He's My Little Devil" (MGM)
Jimmy Smith: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" (Verve)
The Pink People: "Indian Hate Call" / "I Dreamt I Dwelt In" (Phillips)
Kay Garner: "I Still Get Jealous" / "Squeeze Me" (Oriole)
Allen Evans LPs
Just for You [Soundtrack with Multiple Artists] (Decca): The Bachelors, "Low the Valley and High the Mountains" & "The Fox and the Goose"; The Applejacks, "Tell Me When"; The Warriors, "Don't Make Me Blue"
Millie Small, More Millie: "My Boy Lollipop," "Sweet William," "What Am I Living For," "He's Mine," "I'm in Love Again," "Oh Henry," & "Since You've Been Gone" (Fontana)
NME NME Top Thirty
1. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy," Manfred Mann (HMV)
2. "Have I the Right," Honeycombs (Pye)
3. "A Hard Day's Night," Beatles (Parlophone)
4. "Call Up the Groups," Barron Knights (Columbia)
5. "Tobacco Road," Nashville Teens (Decca)
NME Best Selling Pop Records in U.S.
1. "Where Did Our Love Go," Supremes
2. "Everybody Loves Somebody," Dean Martin
3. "A Hard Day's Night," Beatles
4. "Under the Boardwalk," Drifters
5. "House of the Rising Sun," Animals
NME Best Selling LPs in Britain
1. A Hard Day's Night, Beatles (Parlophone)
2. The Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones (Decca)
3. Wonderful Life, Cliff Richard (Columbia)
4. The Bachelors Plus 16 Great Songs, Bachelors (Decca)
5. Gentleman Jim, Jim Reeves (RCA)
NA Second American Trip for the Animals [Animals are to return to America in Oct. for concert appearances and major TV spots.]
Dusty Bowls against NME [More show business personalities and sporting stars have been added to the NME cricket team, Dusty Springfield will bowl the first ball for the Sussex County XI.]
Jim Reeves Nears 'Because' Gold [Jim Reeves is likely to become the first American in 4 years to sell a million copies of one record in Britain with his hit single "I Love You Because."]
Dionne to open Cotton Series [Dionne Warwick to star in BBC-1's "Billy Cotton Band Show" when the series returns.]
Al Hunt's Death [Al Hunt, publicist to Sammy Davis, died at his Sutton, Surrey home on Sunday after an illness since Easter, he was 45.]
Peter and Gordon on ABC-TV 'Night' [Peter and Gordon will make an appearance on ABC-TV's "Blackpool Night Out" on Aug 9.]
Co-writer Jackie [J. Trent has co-composed her next Pye release with her recording manager, Tony Hatch, called "Somewhere In the World."]
Mann and Poole on radio club [Manfred Mann is set to make an appearance on the Light Programme's "Saturday Club" with Brian Poole and many others.]
Rabin's grandson makes disc debut [Mike Rabin, grandson of Oscar Rabin, makes his disc debut on Columbia with his own composition "Head Over Heels."]
Jackson records his debut disc [Former Searcher Tony Jackson has produced his first record for Pye with his new group, The Vibrations.]
NA Discs from Gerry, Lulu and Proby [New releases set for Gerry and the Pacemakers, Lulu and the Luvers, and P.J. Proby (pgs 6-7).]
Marianne Joins Freddie's Tour [Marianne Faithfull and the Zombies to be added to Freddie and the Dreamer's tour opening at Slough Adelphi on Sept. 19 (pgs 6-7).]
Latest British Placings in America [The Animals and the Beatles are at the top of the American charts.]
Honeycombs in Stockton Panto [Honeycombs have been booked for the pantomime "Cinderella," at Stockton Globe this Christmas.]
Light's Sunday shake-up...8 Hours of Pop! [BBC Light Programme remodeling programmes to provide eight hours of music to boost Sunday audiences.]
Manfred Mann on 'Geordie Beat' tour [Manfred Mann are now confirmed to tour with the Merseybeats, revealed in NME on Aug. 7.
Gene Joins Lulu Tour [Gene Vincent added to Millie-Applejacks-Lulu package for 5-week tour.]
Beatles Live Hollywood LP [Beatles will record for Capitol during American visit, US release only.]
Dusty for Continent [Dusty Springfield begins 3-week promotional tour in Europe to perform in several different countries.]
Gerry 'Swings' [Gerry and the Pacemakers will be joined by Helen Shapiro in Light Programme's "Saturday Swings" on Sept. 5.]
Dave Gillard Educated Zombies! [Talks about how the Zombies came to be and their recent success as a new band.] 8
Ian Dove Marianne Gets Rolling With a Stones Song [Talks about how Marianne Faithful was discovered and her new single "As Tears Go By," written by The Rolling Stones', Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.] 8
Richard Green Brenda Lee records in London [Talks about Lee in the recording studio, songwriters Carter-Lewis, and her success with Mickie Most as her A&R manager.] 8
NME 5 Years Ago Top Ten 1959 — Week Ending Aug. 21
1. "Living Doll," Cliff Richard (Columbia)
2. "Dream Lover," Bobby Darin (London)
3. "Lipstick on Your Collar," Connie Francis (MGM)
4. "Battle of New Orleans," Lonnie Donegan (Pye)
5. "Lonely Boy," Paul Anka (Columbia)
NME 10 Years Ago Top Ten 1954 — Week ending Aug. 20
1. "Cara Mia," David Whitfield/Mantovani (Decca)
2. "Little Things Mean a Lot," Kitty Kallen (Brunswick)
3. "Idle Gossip," Perry Como (HMV)
4. "Secret Love," Doris Day (Phillips)
5. "Three Coins In the Fountain," Frank Sinatra (Capitol)
Richard Green The Hottest New Group on the Scene [Green visits the Honeycombs and talks with Martin Murray, leader of the band, about his group and how the band got together.] 9
N/A From You To Us [Letters sent in to NME from fans.] 9
Nat Hentoff Flashes from U.S. Nat Hentoff [News on American celebrities and recording companies and what they are up to.] 9
N/A Life-Lines of the Nashville Teens [Biography Profiles of each member of the Nashville Teens: Ray Phillips, Arthur Sharp, John Hawken, John Allen, Pete Shannon, and Berry Jenkins.]  10
Allen Evans EPs
Four Pennies: "Juliet" / "My Prayer" / "When Will I Be Loved" / "You've Got It" (Phillips)
Beach Boys: "Fun Fun Fun" / "Little Deuce Coupe" / "Why Do Fools Fall in Love" / "In My Room" (Capitol)
Peter and Gordon: "Lonely Avenue" / "Soft as the Dawn" / "Roving Rambler" / "Leave Me Alone" (Columbia)
"She Loves Me" [multiple artists]" Lena Horne, "He Loves Me"; Gogi Grant, "Dear Friend"; Jaye P. Morgan, "Will He Like Me"; Danny Davis, "Grand Knowing You" (MGM)
"Movie Music" [multiple artists]: John Barry, "Man in the Middle"; Eddie Heywood, "The Prize"; Artie Butler, "The Cardinal"; Bill Ramal, "Take Her, She's Mine" (Stateside)
Jim Reeves: Vol. 2 of From the Heart: "It's Nothing to Me" / "The Mighty Everglades" / "Ties that Bind" / "Fool's Paradise" (RCA Victor)
Bob Newhart: The Button-Down Mind On TV — Vol. 2 (Warner Bros.)
N/A Classifieds and Advertisements [Fan Clubs, Musical Services, Personals, etc.] 11
The Alley Cat Tail-Pieces [Celebrity and Noteworthy News.] 12
N/A The Stones' Crusade [Short article advertising for the gossip magazine "Rave."] 12
N/A U.S. Film Critics Rave about Them [The Beatle's film, "A Hard Day's Night," a hit with American critics.] 12
Derek Johnson For the Bachelors — Summer season is no holiday! [Johnson reveals that the pop stars, The Bachelors, never have a break, even in the summer. Also talks about their recent success on the charts and their future visit to America .] 12
NME Best Selling Sheet Music in Britain
1. "A Hard Day's Night" (Northern Songs)
2. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" (West One)
3. "I Won't Forget You" (Palace)
4. "It's All Over Now" (Kags)
5. "Tobacco Road" (Southern)
  Victoria Young, Spring 2010  
No. 920 28 August 1964  
(cover page) Elvis Invites Beatles, 4 Pennies, Manfreds, Kinks, Honeycombs, Brian Poole and the Tremeloes, Dave Berry, Herman's Hermits, Julie Rogers, Clinton Ford, Ken Dodd. 1
Nat Hentoff American Airmail 2
Ian Dove The Beach Boys Beginnings 2
Richard Green Dave Was Unhappy about 'Crying Game' 2
NME From the NME: Top Ten 5 Years Ago, Top Ten 10 Years Ago 2
Chris Hutchins Living with the Beatles — Brian (Beatles) Epstein Meets Col. (Elvis) Parker in a Summit Meeting! 3
Chris Hutchins Elvis Tour 3
Derek Johnson The Shadows with Tongue in Cheek [Singles Reviews]
Gerry and the Pacemakers, "It's Gonna Be All Right" / "It's Just Because" (Columbia)
P.J. Proby, "Together" / "Sweet and Tender Romance" (Decca)
Mark Wynter, "Love Hurts" / "Can't Help Forgiving You" (?)
Lulu, "Can't Hear You No More" / "I Am in Love" (Decca)
Gene Vincent, "Private Detective" / "You Are My Sunshine" (Columbia)
Supremes, "Where Did Our Love Go" / "He Means the World to Me" (Stateside)
Big Dee Irwin, "Personality" / "It's Only a Paper Moon" (Colpix)
Max Bygraves, "Farewell to the Dames" / "You Can't Stop Me from Dreaming" (Philips)
Bo & Peep, "Young Love" / "The Rise of the Brighton Surf" (Decca)
Ventures, "Walk — Don't Run '64" / "The Cruel Sea" (Liberty)
Don Charles, "Big Talk" / "She's Mine" (HMV)
Mighty Avengers, "So Much in Love" / "Sometime They Say" (Decca)
Allen Evans LP Reviews
Rhythm and Blues (Pye Golden Guinea )
Rhythm and Blues Party (Mercury)
n/a No Ballad from Brenda 4
n/a Potted Pops
Mudlarks, "Walk Around" / "Here's Another Day" (Fontana)
Bobby Freeman, "C'Mon and Swim" (Pye)
Juniors, "There's a Pretty Girl" / "Pocket Size" (Columbia)
Frank Sinatra, "My Kind of Town" / "I Like to Lead When I Dance" (Reprise)
Bryan Davis, "(?) Other Guy" / "My Dream of You" (Columbia)
NME Top Thirty
1. "Have I the Right," Honeycombs (Pye)
2. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy," Manfred Mann (HMV)
3. "You Really Got Me," Kinks (Pye)
4. "I Won't Forget You," Jim Reeves (RCA)
5. "A Hard Day's Night," Beatles (Parlophone)
n/a Bassey and Dreamers On Palladium Series
Cliff Richard's New Tour Dates
Lesley Gore's Trip Definite
Roy Orbison Pens 'Over' Follow-Up
Applejacks Ballrooms
Adam Faith on Six TV Shows
Fan Club Man Backs Poole
Dave's TV Spots
Dusty's Tour Fixed
Beatles Box Office Date
Joe Brown Contest Winner
Ball for Japan
Ray Joins RCA
Britain May See Crosby TV Show
Shane's Last Note
NME — '208' Beat Sussex!
Kathy's Series
n/a Illness Delays Searchers' U.S. Trip
John Barry Pens Loren TV Score
Sinatra's 'Dolly' Single
Radio Dates for Teens And Hollies
Hollies to Tour with Dixie Cups
Poole and Berry for 'Beat Room'
£53,000 Concert for the Beatles
Dave Clark's U.S. Tour Set
Kinks Added to Kramer Package
Hermits 'Spin'
Zombies' Short Scottish Tour
Date Changes for Stones
Berrett or Beat Room
Cordell Marks The Kinks Konquer! 8
NME From You to Us 8
n/a Herman Hat Trick 8
Ian Dove First Hand Report of the Reeves Tragedy 8
NME Best Selling Sheet Music in Britain
1. "Do Wah Diddy Diddy" (West One)
2. "I Won't Forget You" (Palace)
3. "A Hard Day's Night" (Northern Songs)
4. "Have I the Right" (Ivy)
5. "The Wedding" (Peter Maurice)
Richard Green Man to Mann 9
n/a Lifelines of the Chart Toppers: The Honeycombs 9
Cordell Marks The Four Pennies Insist on Luxury 10
Andy Gray I Liked Camelot — A Lot! 10
n/a Johnny Burnette Dies 10
The Alleycat Tail-Pieces 12
n/a Johnnie Had Trouble with Elvis Song! 12
Chris Hutchins Elvis Invites the Beatles 12
  Lucy Bonacquist, Spring 2010  
Original submission by mscheuri on Thursday, March 4, 1999 at 23:26:45
Edited and expanded 14 November, 2000, grtedit 28-Feb-2016