New Musical Express | 1969
4 January No. 1147  
Altham, Keith with Green, Richard Flashback: Animals Golden Days 2
n.a. "God Bless John Peel," says Love Sculpture 2
n.a. #1 song: "Lily the Pink" from Scaffold
Logan, Nick Colin Young Reveals How Foundations Escaped the One-hit Wonder Trap 3
Johnson, Derek Top Singles Reviewed
Cream Deserves to be Remembered
And so too, does Animal Eric Burdon
George Mason—Almost Square
Caravan Makes a Really Gripping Debut
Wilson Brings Jude Down to Earth
NME NME Top 30:
1. "Lily the Pink," Scaffold (Parlophone)
2. "Build Me Up Buttercup," Foundations (Pye)
3. "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da," Marmalade (CBS)
4. "One Two Three O’Leary," Des O’Connor (Columbia)
5. "Ain’t Got No – I Got Life," Nina Simone
NME Britain's Top LP's
1. The Beatles (Apple)
2. The Best of the Seekers (Columbia)
3. Beggars’ Banquet, The Rolling Stones (Decca)
4. The World of Val Doonican (Decca)
5. Sound of Music Soundtrack (RCA)
n.a. First names for Tom Jones TV- Gees, Dusty, Jools, Herman [Bee Gees, Dusty Springfield, Julie Driscoll, Herman’s Hermits] 6
Sampson, Gordon Xmas Shows-Bachelors Wow Leeds-Vince’s Sheffield hit-Freddie at Doncaster 6
Sampson, Gordon Atlantic’s 23 Golds 6
n.a. First Names for Tom Jones TV
Symbols to South America
Songs for Europe
Major D-J Reshuffle Latest on Radio
Mason, Capaldi, Wood and Frod Club Debut
Major T.V. Bookings-New Hump Date; Palladium Names; Bonzos Series Set [Engelbert Humperdinck, London Palladium Shows, Bonzo Dog Band]
Julie to Europe, U.S. [Julie Driscoll]
Bandwagon to Return
Orbison and Fame Batley Dates
Beatles New Songs On Live LP-Andy Williams TV Show Date?
n.a. Casualty Department
Concert Deal for Foundations
Moodies: Another London Concert
Gees, Dave Dee disc delays; Aretha, Family Stone Newies
Vikki: four Concerts
Gordon Mills to Wax Frankie Vaughn
Green, Richard Lulu and Maurice Want 5 Kids, But No Honeymoon 8
Johnson, Derek Full 1968 Points Table Scores 8
Evans, Allen LP’s 8
n.a. Life-lines of GUN 9
Bromley, Tom (ed.) From You to Us 9
Logan, Nick Squabbles Keep Bonzos in Form 10
Harris, June Elvis Tour Rumour 10
Harris, June Great Star Lineup 10
Moses, Ann Doors Concert Fiasco 10
Quinn, Terry Terry Quinn’s TV I 12
n.a. Judy’s Great Artistry Triumphs 12
The Alley Cat Tail-pieces 12
The Alley Cat The Cat’s Whiskers 12
n.a. New to the Charts—"Danny Lilts In" 12
n.a. NME Popword 12
  John Elwell, April 2004 | Jacob Vincent, 7 Apr 2002  
11 January No. 1148  
Logan, Nick Dusty Still Smiling [Dusty Springfield] 1, 10
Green, Richard Marriage is Mellowing Herman [Herman’s Hermits] 2
Logan, Nick Marmalade No. 1, So It’s Kilts on ‘Top of the Pops’ 3
Johnson, Derek Top Singles Reviewed; Bandwagon Should Last, Pungent beat-and Tamla Duo have hit, Another Isley’s Oldie, Leapy to Pass the Big Test, Bluesy Nina Sings Bee Gees, Bossa Nova for Aretha 4
n.a. NME Top 30
1. “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da,” Marmalade 
2. “Lily the Pink,” Scaffold
3. “Build me up Buttercup,” Foundations
n.a. Monkee Davy in Tom’s TV and Engelbert, Mary, Foundations
Hendricks Concert
Scaffold, Pitney, Kinks, Elvis-Big Names on TV
Simon-Garfunkel, Mama Cass, Ray Charles in Andy’s Show
Nobody Wanted Danny’s ‘Mother’
208 Plans Hourly Plug for Star 45
Brum Multi-group Rivals Katz Orch.
Popliners Foundations’ Next; Tamla Hit-Writ
Barry Ryan’s ‘Eloise’ Notches Million
Move to U.S.; Tour Here?
Shads wax without Bruce
Amen Label Switch
Affair New Single
Wedding Delays Sculpture Tour
Duane Waxes Here
Shack Tour Switch
Elvis Film Release
n.a. Gene Pitney Tour Dates-Marmalade and Joe Cocker added
Beatles Rehearse; John-Yoko TV Film
Humperdinck Plane Scare
Scaffold Cabaret
Donald Peers Abroad
Gun Shoots Around
Fleetwood Mac Marathon
Marbles German Tour
Bennett-Basie Tour
Jethro at Fillmore
New Jnr. Walker Dates
Mary Sings in Welsh on LP
Bandwagon to Scotland
Supremes, Temptations team up; Ex-Seeker Single, Harris’ next
New Quo Disc
Johnson, Derek Tom Jones: Consistency Champ! 8
Harris, June Zeppelin Beats Blizzard 9
Moses, Ann Beatles Seek L.A. House 9
Evans, Allen LPs  Reviewed; Diana Ross and the Supremes Join the Temptations, Groundhogs: Scratching the Surface, Ohio Express, Jeannie C. Riley: Harper Valley P.T.A. 9
Smith, Alan Scaffold: No Plan for ‘Pink’ Follow-Up 10
Voit, Antje How Donovan Hushed the German Hecklers 10
Logan, Nick New to the Charts [Tull Wrote Own Hit] 10
Quinn, Terry Jimi’s Extra Number Causes Panic 11
Alley Cat Tail-Pieces [Miki Curtis, Kono, Sabu, Ume Chan, Hiro and Goro are The Samurai] 12
Coxhill, Gordon Unbelievable!-says Peers 12
  Andrea deManbey, 3 April 2002  
18 January No. 1149  
Coxhill, Gordon A Secret Changes Scott’s Life [Scott Walker] 2, 11
Logan, Nick I’m Not Knocked Out By Myself [Tom Jones] 2-3
Smith, Alan Love Sculpture need Readers’ Help 2-3
Smith, Alan Malc Wants Return of Star Magic [Malcom Roberts] 4
Green, Richard Now Gun Will Stop Going Pop 4
Manning, Terry British Acts Stand Out in Three-Day Miami Festival 5
Harris, June Julie, Tull for Newport: Tom TV Rave in Hollywood 5
Johnson, Derek Top Singles Reviewed ;Troggs Back with a Bang, Gimmicky New Box Tops, Long John’s Son would Suit Tom, Beatles adapted to Bubblegum, Kink Dave’s Best Solo 6
n.a. NME Top 30
1.“Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da,” Marmalade
2. “Albatross,” Fleetwood Mac
3. “Lily the Pink,” Scaffold]
n.a. Shad Hank Goes Solo [Hank Marvin]
Rest of January Pop on 1-Latest on Radio
Doonican, Nina Tours-Rest of Pitney, Bennett Dates Set-Foundations Join Stevie Wonder
Nina: Concert Dates Set [Nina Simone]
Foundations Delay U.S. Trip
Pitney: Five more Venues [Gene Pitney]
Bennett: 4 extra London Dates [Tony Bennett and the Count Basie Orchestra]
M.U. Foils Little Richard
Mantovani’s full Date Sheet
Herman Vegas Cabaret [Herman’s Hermits]
Troggs Wax Solo Discs
Love Affair Agency Switch
Judith Durham Return
Barry Summer Show [Barry Ryan]
n.a. Sandie Shaw, O.C. Smith, Honeybus; Duane Vocal [New singles]
Leapy Joins Midem Stars [Leapy Lee]
Ex-Traffic Team Goes into Action with Jimi
n.a. Beatles call off ‘Live Album’ TV
Symbols in TV Film
Joe with Vikki [Joe Brown and Vikki Carr]
Macaulay 3 Films [Tony Macaulay]
Hump, Barry, Dusty in Rolf TV-Cliff with Cilla; Lulu loses Ten Minutes; Ray Charles, Jack Jones Shows Set
Experience Noel Forms Part-time ‘Fat Mattress’ Group
Manfred QE2 Score
Mary Hopkin’s Return to Wales
Sinatra Cancels
Evans, Allen Lp’s Reviewed [Sergio Mendes & Brazil ’66: Fool on the Hill, Beatles: Yellow Submarine, Bobby Gentry & Glen Campell, Ike and Tina Turner: So Fine] 10
Green, Richard Request Number Gives Booker First Hit 10
n.a. Life-Lines of Fleetwood Mac 11
Johnson, Derek Year of the Monkee Crash 12
n.a. NME Goes on TV 13
Green, Richard Moodies ‘No’ to Tours 14
Quinn, Terry Big Surprise for Mary Hopkin 14
Alley Cat Tail-Pieces 15
  Andrea deManbey, 3 April 2002  
25 January No. 1150  
Logan, Nick Blackberry Hit Saves the Move, Out Goes Rebel Image 2
Smith, Alan Tamla Down?  We've Never Had It So Good 2
Moses, Ann In Hollywood Monkee Peter Reveals…Why I Had to Quit the Monkees 3, 5
Green, Richard No Time for Lulu 4
Green, Richard Booker T Puts Hits Before Tours 4
Smith, Neil Scaffold 5
Bromley, Tony [ed.] From You to Us 5
Johnson, Derek Top Singles Reviewed: Supremes and Temps Just Can't Miss Out; Dramatic Harris and Enigmatic Webb Probe Thoughts of Bride; Sue Nicholls, Better Singer; Catchy Amen Corner Loaded with Instant Appeal, Provocative Jeannie; Recommended; Others 6, 11
n/a Charts: NME Top 30, #1: Albatross- Fleetwood Mac
Britain's Top 15 LPs, #1: The Beatles
5 years ago, #1: Glad All Over- Dave Clark Five
10 years ago, #1: The Day the Rains Came- Jane Morgan
15 years ago, #1: Oh Mein Papa- Eddie Calvert
Best Selling Pop Records in U.S., #1: I Heard It Through The Grapevine- Marvin Gaye
n/a Humperdinck: Palladium TV, single; Engelbert with Mary- All Tour Dates Set; Amen U.S. debut, TV with Mary; Pickett Stax tour?; Scaffold Spring Tour with Bonzo?; Moby Grape Trip; Kink Ray Pens for TV & Film; [Alan] Price Forms New Group; Love Affair Singer Barry, Amen, Move, Wagon, Sandie, Vince,Lena Booked [Major TV bookings]; Concerts Here by Ray Conniff; Incredible Concerts 8
n/a Jools [Driscoll] Back to Wax; London Pop Oratorio; Vandellas' Visit…and [Arthur] Conley, Rascals; Peter Frampton leaving herd; Tiny Tim in New Movie; Woody Herman Tour; Merseys Go Crackers; Jazz Tour Dates 8-9
n/a Stevie Wonder's Concert Venues; Quo S. American Trip Set, Plus Iron Curtain Visit; Gees Single Delay- but TV Spec Soon; Hit Groups for Northern Club; Trems' 5-year Disc Deal- to Israel with Marmalade; Lena Down Under; 120 Gold Disc U.S. Awards; Star Name Albums in February [New Discs]; Movie Song as Monkee Single?; Popliners 9
n/a [News Extra] Dusty Guests in Temptations TV; Tyrannosaurus Concerts; Who 'Deaf, Dumb' LP; New Lennon Song on EP; Donovan for Andy's TV, but Beatles Uncertain; Leapy Earns Another Gold; Now Hollies Plan Own TV Showcase; Oldies Return; Melouney Group Set for Maiden Voyage; Wagon's Final Dates; Move Summertime Around the World; Europe's Buskers in Partridge Concert; Grapefruit Abroad; Stuart Henry TV Series; Marmalade and Move Set for 1 [Latest on Radio] 10
Evans, Allen LPs Reviewed:Escalator: Sam Gopal; Smokey Robinson and the Miracles:Special Occasion; Sailor: Steve Miller Band; Esther and Abi Ofarim: Up to Date; One Man's Music: Songs of Noel Gay; Mad River 11
Smith, Alan Wife Wrote [Johnny] Nash Hit 11
Gray, Andy Bob Dylan Hopes to Tour Britain- Plus All the Latest News from Midem 12
Coxhill, Gordon Live Shows Are a Drag says Manfred Mann 13
Coxhill, Gordon Meet the New Hollie: Terry Sylvester 14
Logan, Nick Randy Newman—Reluctant Hit Writer 14
Harris, June & Moses, Ann America Calling: Zeppelin Are New Cream; Fastest Hand in the West 14
A.S. (Alan Smith?) George [Harrison]'s Film Theme 15
Alley Cat Tail-Pieces by the Alley Cat 16
Nesbit, Jan Barry [Gibb]'s Musical Shopping Spree 16
n/a British Groups Invade Dutch TV 16
Jesse Page—28 Mar 2002 09:56:41

grtedit 25 April, 2012