New Musical Express | November 1956

2 November 1956
Cover: Frankie Vaughan, Tin Pan Alley Ball, Perry Como 1
Charles Govey Talking Points: "Ray Cynics Are Proved Wrong" 2
Radio Luxembourg Program Schedule 2
AFN Highlights 2
Govey, Charles Six Weeks to Stardom! [Tommy Steele] 3
Fordyce, Keith A Rave for Sattin [Mary Morgan, record reviews]
Lyttleton, Humphrey You Want the Best Jazz Writers - We Have 'Em!
Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Writes 3
Band Call 4
Mike Butcher Modern Mood 4
NME Charts 5
Concerts etc. 6-7
Northern News 8
Nat Hentoff American Air Mail 9
Classifieds 11
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces 12
Green, Benny Wearing Art on One's Sleeve [Album Art] 9
Butcher, Mike Slim Whitman 10
Ruby Murray Plays Ruby Murray in Her First Film 10
9 November 1956
Cover: Farewell from Liberace and Brother George 1
Charles Govey Talking Points: Little Richard with the Big Hair-Do 2
Radio Luxembourg Program Schedule 2
AFN Highlights 2
Fordyce, Kieth Pop Record Reviews: A 'Natural' for the Hit Parade 4
NME Charts 5
Concerts etc. 6-7
Northern News 8
Mike Butcher Modern Mood 8
Humphrey Lyttleton Jazz Reviews: Not-so-good Basie 8
Band Call 8
Nat Hentoff American Air Mail 9
Classifieds 11
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces 12
The Platter's "Prayer" Comes True 3
US Jazz Stars in Great Paris Show 8
Green, Benny Memories of Me 9
18 Months of Record Hits but the Fans Still Ask for "More" from Jimmy Young 10
Ray Noble - the Living Legend 10
16 November 1956
Charles Govey Talking Points: One Disc You Don't Like 2
Radio Luxembourg Program Schedule 2
AFN Highlights 2
Band Call 3
Fordyce, Kieth Pop Record Reviews: World Class Ronnie Makes a Hit [Ronnie Carroll] 4
NME Charts 5
Northern News 6
Concerts etc. 6-7
Mike Butcher Modern Mood 8
Nat Hentoff American Air Mail 9
Classifieds 11
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces 12
Butcher, Mike Is Crosby Finished? No Fear! 3
Green, Benny A Critical Glossary 8
Butcher, Mike Victor Young, 1900-1956 10
It Was Jazz Only, No Rock 'n' Roll at Hamp's Midnight Show 10
23 November 1956
Charles Govey Talking Points: Is Rock 'n' Roll Losing it Kick? 2
Radio Luxembourg Program Schedule 2
Band Call 3
Terry Is to Sing with the Show Band [Terry Burton] 3
Goodwin, Keith Welcome Back Johnnie Ray! 3
Fordyce, Kieth Pop Record Reviews: High Standard "High Society" Discs 4
NME Charts 5
Concerts etc. 6-7
Nat Hentoff American Air Mail 9
NME Poll Winners Supplement 7-10
Exclusive article - Eve Boswell 11
Humphrey Littleton Jazz Review: Hampton Controversy 11
Mike Butcher Modern Mood 13
AFN Highlights 13
Northern News 14
The 'Green Door' Opens to Success for Jim Lowe, Frankie Vaughan, Glen Mason 14
Classifieds 15
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces 16
30 November 1956
Cover - Elvis and More 1
Charles Govey Talking Points: Not Just a Bunch of Screamers 2
Radio Luxembourg Program Schedule 2
AFN Highlights 2
Band Call 3
Tribute to Tommy Dorsey 3
Sonin, Ray Well, I've Seen Elvis, Presley [Film, Love Me Tender] 3
Fordyce, Kieth Pop Record Reviews: Pop Goes the Classic! 4
NME Charts 5
Concerts etc. 6-7
Nat Hentoff American Air Mail: All-Night Queues for Presley Film 9
…He's Pat Boone 8
Humphrey Littleton Jazz Review: "Peaceful Co-Existence 8
Green, Benny Writes [Ronnie Scott] 9
Drake, Ron The Fans Didn't Scream, but they Loved Johnnie Ray! 10
"I am Not Quitting," Says Michael Holliday 10
Gossip 10
Classifieds 11
The Alley Cat Tail Pieces 12

Michael Moore on Thursday, March 4, 1999 at 17:35:28
grtedit May 2005