New Musical Express | June 1956

1 June 1956
Butcher, Mike The Twin-voiced Gordon MacRae 3
Butcher, Mike Sinatra-The Man, The Artist [Conclusion to the Sinatra story] 8
Watson, Jimmy His 'Blue Suede Shoes' Have Taken Him Up the Ladder of Fame [Success story of Carl Perkins] 10
8 June 1956
Goodwin, Keith Meet the Hilltoppers 3
David Whitfield [Whitfield writes about going on the Ed Sullivan Show] 3
Govey, Charles Stan Kenton's Music in New Sadler's Wells Ballet [Kenton's pieces in the ballet "Somnambulism"] 8
Watson, Jimmy Tony Brent, Hedley Ward Trio at Chiswick [Brent, Hedley Ward Trio at Chiswick Empire] 10
Butcher, Mike Hypnotic Lena in Gay Paree [Lena Horne in Paris] 10
Butcher, Mike Hot Diggity, It's Time Perry Como had Another Record Hit! 10
Austin, Dick A 13-year-old Boy Made the Teen-Agers into Disc Stars ["Why Do Fools" by the Teen-Agers] 10
15 June 1956
Valentine, Dickie Dickie Valentine Writes 3
Butcher, Mike Mr. Dynamite!-Elvis Presley ?
22 June 1956
Geddes, Doug Michael Holliday 3
Watson, Jimmy Billy Daniels Laughs at Himself [Billy Daniels at the London Variety] 9
Goodwin, Keith The Riverboat Shuffle was Hard on the Feet [Jazz trip to Margate] 9
Austin, Dick The Platters are Spinning to the Top [The Platters] 10
29 June 1956
Govey, Charles Janie Marden-The 'Phone Girl Who Switched her Line to Stardom 3
Young, Jimmy Jimmy Young Flays the 'Heart-Throbs' [Jimmy Young writes about himself] 3
Harvey, Frank NME Record Survey [Record review from Jan. to June 1956; detailed analysis of records from January-June 1956] 10

Danielle Bruce on Wednesday, March 3, 1999 at 21:25:22
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