"We Are the Village Green Preservation Society" (Ray Davies) [2:50]
Recorded in Pye Recording Studios, 12 August 1968.
Released in the UK on 22 November 1968 as Pyle NSPL 18233 (stereo) and NPL 18233 (mono).
Released in the US on 5 February 1969 as Reprise RS 6327.
The Kinks: Ray Davies (lead vocals and guitar); Dave Davies (guitar and backing vocals), Peter Quaife (bass and backing vocals), Mick Avory (drums), plus unidentified backing vocals. Nicky Hopkins on keyboards?
Produced by Ray Davies with Brian Humphreis and Alan MacKenzie (engineers).
Notes and Quotes
Section Meas Description Text
Intro 8 Instrumental vamp on the verse chord sequence (with piano and organ)
Verse a 4 + 4 As in "Waterloo Sunset," Two-part vocal harmonies. a
Verse b 4 + 4 The second half of the verse begins from a higher pitch and closes with the same second half as Verse a. b
Chorus 4 + 6 same texture with extended ending c
Verse a 4 + 4 as in verses above d
Verse b 4 + 4 as in verses above e
Verse a 4 + 4 instrumental vamp (as in the introduction) with backing vocals
Verse a 4 + 4 modulation up a whole tone to create variety f
Verse b 4 + 4 as in verses above g
Verse a 4 + 4 as in verses above g
Chorus 4 + 6 as in chorus above c
Verse a 4 + 4 backing vocals take the lead a
Verse b 4 + 4 as above b
Verse a 4 + 4 Ray Davies returns for solo vocal with backing vocals a
Verse a 4 + 4 as above a
Coda 4 + 4+ fade on verse chord sequence i
We are the Village Green Preservation Society; God save Donald Duck, vaudeville, and variety. a
We are the Desperate Dan appreciation society, God save strawberry jam and all the different varieties. b
Preserving the old ways from being abused, protecting the new ways for me and for you.
What more can we do.
We are the draught beer preservation society. God save Mrs. Mopp and good old Mother Riley.
We are the custard pie appreciation consortium.
God save the George Cross and all those who were awarded them.
We are the Sherlock Holmes English-speaking vernacular. Help save Fu Manchu, Moriarty, and Dracula. f
We are the office block persecution affinity. God save little shops, china cups, and virginity.
We are the skyscraper condemnation affiliate. God save Tudor houses, antique tables, and billiards.
God save the Village Green... i

The Kinks Schedule Old Pros