"Interstellar Overdrive" (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason; Westminster Music/Tro.) [9:41]
Pink Floyd: Roger Waters (bass), Syd Barrett (guitar), Richard Wright (organ & piano), and Nick Mason (drums).
Released on Piper at the Gates of Dawn, 1 August 1967.
Produced by Norman Smith with Peter Bown, engineer.
Pink Floyd. 1994. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn [7]. [Capitol CDP 0777 7 46384 5]
Notes and Quotes
Sect. Time Meas. Description
  0:00 4 Introduction: Establishing the tonic (E): guitars & bass
A 0:08 6 + 6 Exposition: Statement of principal themes
"Little Red Book" Theme: guitars and bass
A 0:30 6 + 6 "Little Red Book" Theme: guitar, bass, and drums
B 0:52 21 Bass lead derived from "Little Red Book" theme: guitar solos over repeating bass riff
C 1:30

ca. 200 Development: Material from Sections A and B reinterated and interpreted
tonic-dominant bass ostinato (E) as a reduction of the bass theme
  2:20 guitar loop (drop drums/bass)
  3:51 bass combines and inverts tonic-dominant pattern and bass theme
  6:06 organ imitates guitar loop (drums and bass drop out/in)
  8:00 Bridge: Material from Introduction, and Sections A and B reappear
(e.g., chromatic descending guitar chords)
A 8:21 8 Recapitulation: Opening material reintroduced and transformed
Original tempo/meter re-established
A 8:40 6 + 8 Section A with coda
[recording pans from one side to the other as though circling the listener]

Pink Floyd Schedule Psychedelic Pop