Gordon Thompson: Other Scholarly Activities
Miscellaneous Articles
"'The Beatles: Eight Eays a Week' and for Always Revered." The Times Union (9 November 2016).
IPad Learning Lab by the Masie Center: What "Affordances" Will the iPad Create for Learning
  Spontaneous Learning and the iPad (8 July 2010)
  Monitoring Reading (7 May 2010)
  iPad on Campus: Month 1 (2 May 2010)
  iPad on Campus: Week 3 (23 April 2010)
  Music Applications on the iPad (18 April 2010)
  iPad, Week Two on a College Campus (16 April 2010)
  Student Reactions to the iPad (7 April 2010)
  iPads at a College: Learning Applications (4 April 2010)
  iPad: A Music Professor's View (3 April 2010)
"Initiating the Review." Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 14. (2009)
"Beatles Falls Flat." Times Union (11 December 2005). [Review of The Beatles by Bob Spitz.]
"Mixed on Metal" (with Annie Thompson). The Post-Star (20 July 2004): D1. [Review of the "Aggressive Music Festival" in Glens Falls, New York.]
"Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, 1809-1847." Read More about It (Carla J. Kohoyda-Inglis, editor) 3: 462a-464b. Ann Arbor: The Pierian Press, 1989.
"Responses to Blum." Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 3: 21-22. (1986)
"The Music of Gujarat: A Recent Tape Collection." Ethnomusicology at UCLA (Spring 1986): 1-2.
"D.C. Mela Brought Slice of the Indian Good Life." India-West (26 July): 30a-c. (1985)

"Academic Minute: Britpop in the Classroom." WAMC (Albany, New York), 19 January 2011.
"Academic Minute: Beatles Anniversaries." WAMC (Albany, New York), 11 August 2010.

Film, Theater, and Composition
Composer/Performer, "I-beam Fanfare." Prism: Zankel Music Center Opening Ceremonies, Filene-Ladd Hadd, Zankel Music Center, 15 October 2010.
Editor (with Nazir Jairazbhoy). Kathputli: The Animated World of Wood and String. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1980. [16 mm., color]
Composer/Performer (with Peter Manuel). Music. Sakuntala (directed by Phillip Zarilli). UCLA, 1979.
Composer/Performer (with Peter Manuel). Supplemental Music. Who'll Stop the Rain. MGM. (Lawrence Rosenthal, Music Producer), 1978.

Manuscript Reviews
Oxford University Press, University of Chicago, Addison Wesley Longman, Prentice-Hall, Oryx Press, Ethnomusicology, Asian Music

Special Presentations
Presenter. "The Beatles: An Introduction and an Open Learning Experiment." Advances in Resources for Arts Education; Information Fluency in the Disciplines Workshop on the Arts: History, Theory, and Criticism, New Orleans, LA, 21 April 2017. (With Information Technologist, Ben Harwood.)
Organizer/Moderator. "Music and Media: Conversations with Julianne Jordan, David Jordan, and Jody Klein." Media and Film Studies Program, Zankel Music Center, 9 April 2015.
Interviewer/Moderator. A Conversation with Meredith Monk. Zankel Music Center, 13 February 2015.
Interviewer/Moderator. A Conversation with David Lang. Zankel Music Center, 17 October 2014.
Presenter. "The British Are Coming: A Special Reading and Discussion about the British Invasion of the Sixties" at the Kleinert/James Arts Center, 34 Tinker, Woodstock, New York on Saturday 2 July 2011.  With Tony Fletcher (Dear Boy: The Life of Keith Moon) and Jonathan Gould (Can't Buy Me Love: The Beatles, Britain, and America). Moderated by Doug Gunther (WDST).
Organizer/Chair. Beatles Symposium, Skidmore College. Authors Jonathan Gould, Tim Riley, and Allan Kozinn discuss the identity of the Beatles on the fiftieth anniversary of them performing in Hamburg and the fortieth anniversary of their dissolution. Zankel Music Center, 22 November 2010.
Presenter. UCLA Ethnomusicology Institute, Fiftieth Anniversary, Alumni Symposium. "South Asia"; 9 November 2010.
Moderator. Q&A with Geoff Edgers, producer Do It Again; Filene-Ladd Hall, Zankel Music Center, 28 October 2010.
Moderator. Q&A with the Quarrymen (Colin Hanton, Len Garry, and Rod Davis) in conjunction with the Albany premier of Nowhere Boy, the Egg, Albany, New York, 6 November 2010.
Moderator.  Q&A with Jody Klein (CEO, ABKCO Music and Records).  Elizabeth Luce-Moore Hall, Zankel Music Center, 12 April 2010.
Moderator.  Q&A with Julianne Jordan (music supervisor).  Emerson Auditorium, 1 October 2008.
Moderator.  Q&A with Nate Barr (film and television composer).  Emerson Auditorium, 15 October 2008.
Presenter. Readings from Please Please Me: Sixties British Pop, Inside Out at Borders Books and Music, Saratoga Springs, New York, 20 November 2008.
Organizer/Chair. The Beatles' The Beatles. Authors Tim Riley, Allan Kozinn, Walter Everett, and Jonathan Gould discuss aspects of the Beatles "white" album on the fortieth anniversary of its release. Filene Recital Hall, 22 November 2008.
Organizer/Chair. Sessionneers. British session musicians Vic Flick and Andy White discuss their roles in the UK's 1960s recording scene. Filene Recital Hall, 13 April 2006.
Organizer/Presenter. Annual Beatlemore Skidmania, Filene Music Building and Filene-Ladd Hall (2001-2009), Zankel Music Center (2010-2014, 2017), Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York.

With Robert Garfias, Symposium on the Current State of Ethnomusicology, 1963, Society for Ethnomusicology, 2015.
Editor, SEM Newsletter, Society for Ethnomusicology, 2012-2016.
Web Site Editor, Asian Music, 1998-present.
Editor.  Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology (volumes 1 & 2, 1984-85)

Neda Ulaby. "60 Years Ago, 2 Boys Met and the Beatles Began," Morning Edition. National Public Radio, 6 July 2017.
Hallisey, Michael. "Beatles Changed Popular Music." Spotlightnews.com (24 July 2014).
Hallisey, Michael. "A Different Era." Spotlightnews.com (17 July 2014).
Sneed, Tierney. "On Film, The Beatles Had a Mixed Track Record." In US News and World Report (26 January 2014).
Sneed, Tierney. "How America Changed the Beatles." In US News and World Report (24 January 2014).
Latimer, Clay. "Brian Epstein Managed the Beatles to the Pantheon." In Investor's Business Daily (5 January 2112).
Ventre, Michael. "The Boys (and the New Kids) Are Back!" On Today, NBC. 2 June 2011.
Ventre, Michael. "Does It Matter that the Beatles Are Finally on iTunes?" On Today, NBC. 16 November 2010.
Dave Lucas. "Parole Denied for Lennon Killer." WAMC (Albany, New York). 7 September 2010.
Boas, Gary. "Coffee, College, and Commodity." In Photronics.com. 20 September 2010.
Ventre, Michael. "Is John Lennon the Most Interesting Beatle?" On Today [TodayShow.com]. 27 September 2010.
Williams, Stephen. "Imagine: Recalling the Life, Death, Music of John Lennon." In The Daily Gazette (9 October 2010): A1, A3.
Zarnowski, Tatiana. "Making Noise Part of Fan Tradition: Vuvuzelas among the Many Ways to Show Support." Schenectady Gazette (19 June 2010).
McNulty, Timothy. "Mania Ahead: Beatles May Soon Become Downloadable." In Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (11 February 2007).

Academics Scholarship Classes
