Selected Performance

Khayāl in rāga Yaman: baḍā khayāl cīz, "Guniyān kī saṅgat..." ("Gathering of artists...") in ati vilambit Jhumrā tāl and choṭā khayāl cīz, "Kal nahi aye..." ("[You] did not come yesterday...") in drut Tīntāl.
Niaz Ahmed Khan and Fayyaz Ahmed Khan (voice and surmandal) with Mohammed Ahmed (tablā) and an unnamed tamburā player.
His Master's Voice HMV ECLP 2282

Rāga Yaman
Rāg Yaman belongs to Kalyāṇ ṭhāṭ (with tivra madhyama). Bhatkhande (1970, 2:17) gives the vādi as gāndhār and the samvādi as niṣād. In ascent, rāg Yaman omits sā and pa, but in descent uses all seven notes. In this recording, sā is at about Eb.

Rāg Yaman Mukhṛā (Pitch Shape)

Jhumrā Tāl
In actual performance the ati vilambit ṭhekā for Jhumrā tāl would be more like the following. Note the displaced accent on the last sixteenth of the second mātrā.
Jhumrā Tāla — Ati Vilambit

Performance Structure
Time Event

  Baṛā Khayāl
00:00 āocār ālāp: the singers briefly show the purvāṅg which contains the vādi and establishes the rāga.
01:10 mukhṛā: "Guniyan ki sangat..."
āvarta 1: singer concentrates on purvāṅg; the word "guniyan" (master artists) serves as the textual vehicle
02:21 mukhṛā / āvarta 2: singers concentrate on uttarāṅg
03:33 mukhṛā / āvarta 3: singers return to pitch range below sa
04:37 mukhṛā / āvarta 4: singers concentrate on pitches below ga
05:45 mukhṛā / āvarta 5: range expands to pa
06:51 mukhṛā / āvarta 6: range expands to ni
07:56 mukhṛā / āvarta 7: range expands above sa
09:01 mukhṛā / āvarta 8: range expands to the upper pa
10:04 mukhṛā / āvarta 9: range expands to the upper dha
11:06 mukhṛā / āvarta 10: range expands to the upper ni
12:09 mukhṛā / āvarta 11: sargam tāns
13:08 mukhṛā / āvarta 12: ākār tāns
14:07 mukhṛā / end of āvarta 12
  Choṭā Khayal
14:11 mukhṛā: "Kal nahi aye..."
sthā'ī and antarā
15:00 gamak and ākār tāns
15:41 sargam and ākār tāns
17:41 ends

Khayal Outline Parveen Sultana
  18 April, 2018