The Rolling Stones

13 January. "Let's Spend the Night Together" / "Ruby Tuesday" [Decca F UK #3]
15 January. The Stones appear on Tthe Ed Sullivan Show. Jagger sings "Let's Spend Some Time Together" instead of "Let's Spend the Night Together."
20 January. Between the Buttons [Decca SKL 4852, LP release; UK #3]
22 January. The Stones refuse to stand on a turntable stage at the end of the program, Sunday Night at the London Palladium. Jagger and Oldham have major argument. The Stones receive negative press, for weeks.
5 February. The News of the World reports that Mick Jagger uses LSD and lures young girls with drugs. The actual source is Brian Jones bragging about himself.
7 February. Mick Jaggers initiates libel action against The News of the World.
12 February. Police raid Keith Richard's home, Redlands in West Sussex based on information given to them by The News of the World which has been stalking Richards and Jagger.
10 May. Chichester, Sussex. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Robert Fraser appear in court and are released on bail of £100 each.
——. South Kensington, London. Brian Jones and Prince Stanislaus Klossowski are arrested at Jones' flat and charged with drug possession.
27 June. Jagger, Richards, and Fraser are found guilty of drug possession. Richards receives a one year sentence and a fine of £500, Jagger receives a sentence of three months and a £100 fine, and Fraser, six months and £200. Jagger is taken to Brixton jail. Richards goes to Wormwood Scrubs. They appeal and are released on bail.
1 July. The Times of London publishes an editorial by William Rees-Mogg with the title, "Who Breaks a Butterfly on a Wheel?" that chastizes the Chichester court for abusing the legal system.
31 July. The Appeals Court rescinds the sentences against Jagger and Richards on the basis that the judge had mislead the jury.
18 August. "We Love You" / "Dandelion" [Decca F 12654, UK #8]
18 September. The Rolling Stones announce that Andrew Loog Oldham is no longer their manager or producer.
30 October. Brian Jones is found guilty of drug possession and is sentenced to nine months in Wormwood Scrubs. He makes bail the next day on appeal.
2 December. "In Another Land" / "The Lantern" [Bill Wyman US]
8 December. Their Satanic Majesties Request [Decca TXS 103, LP release, UK #3]
Jagger with Jonathan Cott (Rolling Stone 1968; reprinted 1981: 48b):
Q: What were your original ideas about putting it together?
A: None at all. Absolutely no idea behind it. No, it's wrong to say there is no idea at all; there was, but it was all completely external. It was done over such a long period of time that eventually it just evolved. ... It took almost a whole year to make, not because it's so fantastically complex that we needed a whole year, but because we were so strung out.
Q: That was the year in which several arrests were made.
A: Yeah, that took a lot of time, plus we didn't know if we had a producer or not. Sometimes Andrew would turn up, sometimes he wouldn't. We never knew if we would be in jail or what. Keith and I never sat down and played the songs to each other. We just made that album for what it is.
Q: Were you happy when it was finished?
A: I was happy, yeah. I breathed a sigh of relief because we had finally finished it. It's just there to take it or leave it.
Jagger and Richards hone composing skills, take control of the band, and sign on Jim Miller as their producer.
17 March. Grosvenor Square, London. Protestors storm the American embassy in protests over the Vietnam war. Mick Jagger observes from a safe distance.
May. "Jumpin' Jack Flash" / "Child of the Moon" [UK #1]
10 May. Jones arrested (again) for drug possession.
Complete Beggar's Banquet during the summer (original release date set for 26 July), but they delay release because Decca/London refuse to release the cover (graffiti around urinal).
August. "Street Fighting Man" / "No Expectations" [US release]
5 December. Beggar's Banquet [LP UK3] premiered with a reception at the Gore Hotel (noted for Elizabethan decor) in Kensington with a plain white cover which resembled the Beatles eponymous album
11-12 December. The Rolling Stones Rock 'n' Roll Circus; a TV special to promote the album at a time when the Stones were no longer touring. Film also features the Who, Jethro Tull, and the Dirty Mac Band (John Lennon, Keith Richards [bass], Eric Clapton, and Mitch Mitchell).
9 June. Mick Taylor replaces Brian Jones.
25 June. The new Stones with Mick Taylor plays the Coliseum in Rome.
3 July. Brian Jones drowns in his swimming pool. Jones, who had always been asthmatic, may have had a seizure, perhaps as a consequence of drug use.
5 July. The Stones perform a free concert (with King Crimson, Alexis Korner) in Hyde Park. Jagger reads a passage from Shelley to remember Brian Jones.
July. "Honky Tonk Women" / "You Can't Always Get What You Want" [UK1]
August. Woodstock
September. Through the Past Darkly (Big Hits Volume 2) [UK2]
Fall. Stones tour of the US
December. Let It Bleed [UK #1]
September. Get Yer Ya Ya's Out [live November 1969 LP; UK1]
November. "Memo from Turner" [Mick Jagger from film, Performance]

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