"Albatross" (Green) [3:06]
Released in the UK as CBS 8306 on 29 November 1968. Charts 4 December 1968, UK #1.
Fleetwood Mac: Peter Green (lead guitar), John McVie (bass), Mick Fleetwood (drums), and Danny Kirwan (guitar).
Produced by Mike Vernon.

Notes and Quotes
Section M. Description
Verse 8 Green and Kirwan establish the layered guitar sounds. Green plucks the lead guitar part with three-note string bends. Kirwan provides guitar slides in the background. Fleetwood and McVie set the atmosphere with toms and cymbals (imitating waves) played with mallets and a throbing bass line.
Verse 8 variation on the above
Verse 8 variation on the above
Verse 8 variation on the above
Verse 8 Features Kirwan's slide guitar at first, before Green's reoccupies the foreground
Verse 11 Returns to opening versions of the music, abbreviating the theme at m.7

Fleetwood Mac Outline Old and New