"Till the Following Night" (Wallace) [3:45]
Recorded in mid 1961 at RGM Sound, Holloway Road, Islington, London
Released as HMV POP 953 in December 1961.
Screaming Lord Sutch and the Savages
David Sutch (vocals), Carlo Little (drums), Andy Wren (piano), Ken Payne (bass), and Roger Mingay (guitar) with Pete Newman on tenor saxophone.
Joe Meek (artist-and-repertoire manager and balance engineer).
Various. 1995. It's Hard to Believe It: The Amazing World of Joe Meek [11]. Cooper Station, New York: Razor and Tie Music. [RE 2080-2]
Notes and Quotes
When the shade of night is fallin' and the moon is shining bright.
And the center of the graveyard in the middle of the night.
I get out of my great-big long black coffin 'til the following night.
I've got two horns upon my head and a twinkle in my eye.
I've got two feet of hair, makes the chicks all sigh.
When I hit 'em with my great big club they start to hollar and cry.
Dance and sing I scream for me, while they pound the floor.
When I shake your head, the whole job bled, that's when I scream for more.
While the bats are a flyin' and the cats are a sighin',
And the Zombies are a dancin' and the skeletons are prancin',
I get into my great big coffin 'til the following night.
'Til the following night, 'til the following night e
Section Time Meas. Description Text
intro 1 0:00 Squeeking doors (or coffin lids), screams, and an out-of-tune piano playing a funeral march.
A intro 2 0:40 12 sax solo over New Orleans-style blues vamp
A verse 0:58 12 Sutch begins in measure 12 of the previous section, hesitates, and starts in off-beat. The band compensates. a
A verse b
B chorus c
A verse d
A verse sax and guitar solos x
B chorus c
A verse d
coda more sound effects and fade e

Screaming Lord Sutch Schedule Early Rock Groups