Notes and Quotes: "Goodbye"
photo: Mary Hopkinphoto: Mary Hopkin
McCartney: I didn't have in mind any more Russian folk songs [ref. "Those Were the Days"] so I just wrote one for her. It thought it fit the bill. It wasn't as successful as the first one but it did all right. My main memory of it is from years later, going on a boat trip from the north of Scotland to the Orkney Islands. the skipper of the boat was called George, and he told me it was his favourite song. And if you think of it from a sailor's point of view, it's very much a leaving-the-port song. He had the strangest Scottish accent, almost sort of Norwegian, as the Orkneyans do. He was quite proud of the fact that that was his favourite song. (Miles 1997: 457)

13 April, 2012