"Come and Get It" (Paul McCartney; Northern Songs Ltd.)
Badfinger: Tom Evans (guitar, bass, lead vocal), Peter Ham (piano, backing vocal), Joey Molland (guitar, backing vocal), and Mike Gibbins (drums)
Recorded 2 August 1969 at the EMI Recording Studios, London.
Released 5 December 1969 as Apple 20. Charts 10 January 1970; UK #4.
Produced by Paul McCartney.
Notes and Quotes
Section Meas Time Description Text
Intro 4 piano, add bass and drums
verse 8 vocals (add tambourine) a
verse 8 as above b
chorus 10 add vocal harmonies c
verse 8 + 2 almost exact repeat of previous material followed by a V-I turn-around d
verse 8 as above but add vocal harmonies a
verse 8   as above b
chorus 8 + 2 harmonies enhanced c
verse 8 as above d
bridge 10 concludes with chorus material c'
verse 8 as above d
coda 11 repeat material from end of last verse d'
If you want it, here it is, come and get it. Mmmm, Make your mind up fast. a
If you want it, anytime, I can give it, but you better hurry cause it may not last. b
Did I hear you say that there must be a catch? Will you walk away from a fool and his money? c
If you want it, here it is, come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast. d

Something Old, Something New Schedule Badfinger