Notes and Quotes: "All or Nothing"
photo: "All or Nothing" (sleeve)
Jones: It was getting us where we wanted to be musically. It wasn't as poppy as our other stuff, but it was still commercial and a better song than anything we had done so far. It broke us out of the pop system. (Twelker and Schmitt: 38)

Marriott and Lane appear to have borrowed from a combination of Tin Pan Alley and R&B songwriting techniques. The verse-chorus structure has a contrast in the register of the melody, the verse focuses on lower pitches rising towards the end, and the chorus focusing on higher pitches and a greater emotional intensity. They extend this effective but limited melody by repeating the refrain at the end of the song with changes in dynamics, getting softer and then getting louder. They also repeat the first part of the verse as an organ/vocal solo.
Compare with the live version of "All or Nothing" on 1988, Greatest Hits [11]. London: Castle Classics [CLACD146] and on television in a YouTube clip.

19 March, 2012