1960s British Rock and Pop


Having a website like this since 1995 has meant hearing from people..., lots of people. Sometimes they correct or question information (and many thanks to all of you..., you know who you are). Sometimes they are looking for some specific piece of information (such as a song, an artist, or general guidance on a term paper). Sometimes they just want to say how much they liked site. (Hey, I like compliments just like anyone else.) The general point is that I have put this together as a resource.., and readers have contributed.
Early on, Bob Cumberland, Jan Eastaugh, Terry Wilson, Dr. Robert Zachary Rush, Giselle Rawlins, and Dawn Eden gave me suggestions about where to find information or on how to improve the site. I continue to get suggestions (thank you R. S. Moore, Tom Bradbury, Ian West, Brenda Tseunis, and John Warburg) and implement them. I first received an introduction to London's musical geography in 1996 from Richard Porter and to bibliographic resources from Andrew Linehan at the British Library.
As a teacher, I long ago learned that students shape my thinking: student questions and research have alerted me to new sources and delivery strategies.
A number of individuals have helped me with dates, names, and places. Thanks to Malcolm Addey, Eric Allen, James Baring, Stan Barrett, Charlie Blackwell, Joe Brown, John Carter, Clem Cattini, Bill Covington, Bryan Daly, Matthew Fisher, Vic Flick, Herbie Flowers, Mo Foster, Bobby Graham, Arthur Greenslade, Les Hurdle, Nazir Jairazbhoy, Viram Jasani, Peter Knight Jr., Carlo Little, Joe Moretti, Mitch Murray, Tony Newman, Peter O'Flaherty, Margot Quantrell, Les Reed, Norman Smith, Geoff Stephens, Big Jim Sullivan, Shel Talmy, Ronnie Verrell, Allan Weighell, Michael Weighell, and Andy White. My apologies to those whom I have inadvertently omitted from this list.

Introduction | Sources | Chronology Index
Gordon Thompson  Department of Music  Skidmore College
Copyright © 1995-2009, Gordon Thompson